Friday, July 31, 2009
Bryan's Amazing Flying Triangle!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009's Jumpin' Jeff at Madtown Throwdown
Friday, June 12, 2009
New Products and Pics Added to
Find out new and effective ways to use our products during your workout by visiting today!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
How to Succeed with
Now I'll tell you how to succeed at anything.......Mirror yourself...what? Follow me...You have succeeded in the past at something...anything...yes? Pick something that you have succeeded at and tell me....what did you do? ...and why did you do it? Let's break it down: I don't want you to pick a time you succeeded when someone made you do it. You need to pick a success that you initiated and followed through with. This is important. Now that you have picked something, no matter how small, that you have succeeded at, let's look at what you thought, felt and did. First, you had an original thought or a response to something you saw or thought of. Then you felt that you could succeed and there would be a good reward with your devised a plan and stuck to it even through adversity and in fact it took longer and was harder than your planed.....But you continued to think, plan and act. (My dad used to say it..."think, plan, act". And my high school brain actually got some success with the formula).
Now it is time to decide whether you have reason enough to succeed at transforming yourself. You must think it through, form a mission statement and devise a workable plan. If you don't know what to do, your plan is to get help. This site is here to help you become a well and fit person and feel the great positive feelings that come with that fitness and health.
Do you now know how to succeed? Analyze past successes and duplicate the emotion, the dedication, the success orientation and the planning theory. Along the way, when you see gradual positive change, enjoy it very much.
Rapid failure and Gradual change are the keys to success. What is "rapid failure"? Simply put, when things are going wrong, recognize and change your action plan right away. Sounds obvious but few people do it. You must succeed from within. You must visualize it and continue to find a way to succeed slowly. If you stall, change your plan...get more help; find a way to move forward. This information is a tool to have more and more successes in your life. Only move towards worthwhile endeavors and then get them done. My grandpa used to say, "A job worth doing is worth doing right" (he drove a semi for 35 years over 2 lane blacktop and gravel and wore a ring for not ever having an accident).
I'm here to help you succeed. I help others do it every day and for them and me, it's a slow process and that's the best way. But as you see in the Testimonials here, in the long run it is so worth the enjoyable process when you see and feel the results.
Best wishes in every valuable pursuit in your life,
Friday, May 22, 2009
Emotional Eating the world of eating...eating is the solution to the bad feelings of hunger our ancestors endured. Getting food in the body stopped the fear and pain and painful thoughts........doesn't that make eating into a most soothing and rewarding activity. And in the modern time with multiple stresses and 10 times the food available, we are naturally going to turn to food too often to help with a hurtful day. But the hurt wasn't from hunger and there's always a pizza soon after the fingers do the walking....Now folks, we've got to eat a lot of foods that taste great and make us feel good....but do not jeopardize our health, wellness or fitness. Do you see my point? Don't stop eating and feeling good from your eating....just learn to pick from very healthy and lower calorie foods and have them around you. This plan will work. You will, in time, not even crave the old good tasting, high calorie (high sugar/fat/salt) foods. Usually the body slows its desire for heavy foods in about 6 weeks. This is evidenced by my clients' lack of desire to participate much in the "free day" after a couple of months with me. Remember that carbs are the comfort foods that bring the serotonin that makes you feel good but get fat........then you don't feel good about your body and eat some more carbs.
To break that cycle, eat protein to feel arouse dopamine that makes you feel upbeat and powerful and eat veggies and fruits that will heal and cleanse you into health and wellness. Eat carbs at mealtime only and snack on fruit, veggies and protein. Check out shortcuts to weight loss for more tips. Stay strong and consistent for 3 weeks and you'll be on the road to a new habit pattern of eating. If you binge or stray, just get back on the program without beating yourself up. Take your time and change those emotional eating habits.
Brought to you by Jumpin' Jeff at
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It's got to be fast and easy"!!! I've heard this a hundred times with my clients so I made it fast and easy in my training system. The audio and the Weight Loss Shortcuts go into the tips and tricks to once and for all succeed in your nutrition plan. There is no diet that is a long term plan. A once and for all nutritional plan based on simple knowledge is what we all need. It is critical to understand the value of a fist sized portion of protein, carbohydrate, and "hydrated fiber" (veggies and most fruits) at each meal. Snacking on non carb foods is a must to keep the meal sizes down and the cravings at a minimum. Read Jumpin Jeff's Health Tips to further understand that oranges, apples, baby carrots and salads etc. have all of the food value and none of the calories when compared to any fat, sugar or white flour foods (the white foods...eeeeekk)). Desert the desserts but take one free day per week when you eat what you want (as long as it doesn't give you a hangover)!! Want alternative sugar? Try Stevia from the health stores or Splenda at the grocery store. Xylitol is an astounding sugar that helps diabetics and actually aids dental health by washing off bacteria and plaque. Nutrition and cardio are key ingredients in the fat loss formula. But you'll want to start a resistance program that augments fat loss. Jeff's workout plan is here to guide you through resistance, cardio, nutrition, supplementation and your life issues. Take advantage of the products and start succeeding with this plan.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Get Better Abs!!
Luckily, the formula to get abs is the same as the general fitness formula: Lose fat, gain tone. When you streamline your nutrition and bring in the resistance training and the cardio, the abs become visible along with many other attractive muscles. So it isn't all about doing ab exercises but you've got to do some abs so when the fat goes away, something is there!!
Get this ultra important point: abs are attained by mental intensity. You must exhale during each ab curl and come to a "locking stop" at the finish of each curl up. Keep the abs flat to your torso and tense hard, and then open up. Regardless of the exercise, use the mental intensity tool. Look at the Power Wheel and the cable abs options. In my training video there are ample ab options spaced perfectly within the cable workout.
Here are some tips:
1~ Keep your hands off your head if you want to avoid stretching out or damaging some neck ligament muscles. Hands crossed on upper chest is very effective and safe.
2~ Low reps and high intensity are much better than high reps and low intensity. Abs are a power muscle, not an aerobic muscle.
3~ Exhale most of your air and squeeze the abs forcefully to attain "muscle recognition" and intensity.
4~Keep abs tight and flat ...don't let your abs poof out while doing the exercise.
These tips, along with the Power Cables and some "Power Walk" cardio should bring those abs out while the tone comes up and the body fat comes off!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Jogging Belt for Fitness Training

The reason health and fitness enthusiast dread working out in a gym is because it is hard to get yourself motivated when you are going to the same place, day in and day out, to engage in the same ineffective workout routine. So what happens, you come up with a lame excuse as to why you can't make it to the gym. Meanwhile you're paying for this wasted gym membership!!
Lets get one thing clear, fitness machines are ineffective...and that's the truth!! Think about it, you jump from one machine to the other working out different muscle groups and when you're done with your routine you've already been on TEN different machines.
So what's the solution? offers a product called the Jogging Belt. This is resistance training at its best. Simply slip on the belt, connect it to your Resistance Training Cables, and have a fun while working out with one of the most effective methods of training on the market!!
The Jogging Belt, use with the Power Resistance Cables, will give you the ability to walk, jog, and use backward, forward or lateral movements, as well as lunges. This belt allows 360-movement. Work on multiple muscle groups that include your core muscles, arms, and legs. Improve your agility, work on stamina, and build your endurance!!
For more information on the Jogging Belt and other fitness equipment CLICK HERE!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Power Resistance Cables

Anything you can do on a workout machine, you can do with our Power Resistance Cables. They are safer than dumbbells, and give better resistance through your complete rep, where a machine does not.
You can take and use your cables any place you want. Wrap your cables around a pole for placed resistance, or use the door strap attachment that comes with your cables. You can insert the door strap into a door hinge, and hook your cables to the door strap, and you are set to workout.
Power Resistance Cable Package Includes
- Set of Triple Grip Handles that hold up to three cables at once.
- Door attachment strap. Strap inserts into closed door hinge, hook cables through it and you now have a workout station that gives you placed resistance.
- One (R1 Teal) 10lb Cable
- One (R2 Purple) 20lb Cable
- One (R4 Magenta) 40lb Cable
Monday, April 6, 2009
Power Punch Exercise Equipment.
Here is a product that can help you get into shape and start noticing results FAST!! offers a product called the Power Punch so that you can add resistance training to your workouts.
- Two Power Walk Handles (Used for holding on to, your bands connect to these)
- Two sets of 30 inch Cables - R3 and R4 ( See Cable Strengths Below)
- Power Pushup Back Pad with Two Triple Grip Cable Pockets
The Power Punch Includes the Pink (R3) 30lb Cables, and the Magenta (R4) 40lb Cables. Workout with the cables for one minute sets, and you'll feel the burn.
For more info CLICK HERE.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Incorporate low impact resistance training to your workout
The kit includes two comfortable handles that fit nicely into your hands and attachments that connect to your shoes. A 4lb resistance cable connects the handle to the shoe attachment and you're ready to begin burning calories and getting your body back into shape.
For more information about the Power Walk click here.