Friday, January 15, 2010

"How Can I lose my butt"

Hey folks, Jumpin Jeff here. Over the last 10 years I've worked with nearly 1000 clients individually and one of the top questions I hear is, "How can I lose my butt"? There is a method for losing size and gaining tone in the caboose and I am going to give you the no nonsense tools right now.

You know that weight loss in the butt must be a fat loss effort, so of course you're going to have to eat right. Secondly, there will be cardio involved in your program so during cardio work, change speeds and equipment often to burn the most fat. To accelerate the fat loss, use our Power Walk for aerobic exercise or walk, jog and run with this product to triple your fat loss. Grab one of our weighted jump ropes or speed ropes to ramp up the fat burn. Start with less than 5 minutes and work your way up. Take a resistance cable with the door strap inserted and use the Cardio belt to run, hop, sidestep or backward run right in your living room!!

OK, now that we've got the cardio going, let's take a look at the actual specific exercises to slim down the butt. Eventually you're going to need to squat and the Power Cable squat is excellent, but first I want you to squat lightly so take a Stability Ball and put it against the wall at mid butt level, lean forward a little and squat down half way for around 10 repetitions. Do about 3 to 4 sets of these ball squats twice per week. As you get better at these, try to squat so that you butt goes under the ball. Light Kettle bell squats are very effective. Hold one kettle bell with both hands between the legs or 2 light kettle bells at your sides. Get your butt out behind you and don't squat too deep at first.

If you want a real butt burner, try the Power Wheel on your feet and lie on your back and draw the legs up under you. This wheel is an elite fitness tool for your legs, butt, core and whole body.

A great way to tone the legs and butt is to step out with the Lateral Resistor. Crouch forward and stick your butt out behind you. Now sidestep across the room and back. You'll feel your butt and legs for sure.

Well, now you've got the tools and exercises for losing and shaping the butt. Do cardio 3 times per week for 30 minutes and remember to change speeds and equipment. Do your butt exercises twice per week. Vary the equipment and the exercises and your are on your way to a strong, tight and shapely butt.

Stay with for more info on fat loss and proper training and the best equipment to get it done right.

Jumpin Jeff

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